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Father's Love

Writer's picture: Sylvia NwokoloSylvia Nwokolo

Hey friends, I was reminded of recent of a father’s love. I know that this varies with people and while some have a good relationship with their father some don’t. That notwithstanding I’d like you to go on this journey with me today as I unpack what God has put in my heart to share with you.

As a very observant person, I see the dynamics my own children have with their father. I see the love in him whether is when he wants to give them things because he can or he wants to push them hard because he believes they can achieve anything. I also observe how relaxed they are with him, so much that they can tell him anything even about boys. Now don’t get me wrong there are times when they get him worked up especially his first daughter. It's always the first daughter innit! My first has a strong personality just like her father and that makes them clash a lot, but in the clash I see the love. They feel his protection in his voice. He is not a dormant father. He is present and they know it. Now I have just tried to give a brief summary of an earthly father that I watch closely and admire so much, and as I was reminded of this love, I was reminded of the love our heavenly father has for us his children. How deep his love is towards us. The question that came to my mind is that; Are we embracing God’s love for us? Are we experiencing his love or are we standing from a distance and speaking to him like a hired help who does not have full access to the father? How can we experience the love that he has already made available to us? Let’s explore how.

First point is to position ourselves as sons and daughters in the house. Draw close to the father and have regular conversations with him. He loves us and wants this kind of relationship with us. He is not a distant father, he is always present waiting for us to speak and commune and communicate with him. I am reminded of the story in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve hid from God because of their sin, Genesis Chapter 3 verse 8 says ‘And they ( Adam and Eve) heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Then the LORD God called to Adam, and said to him, Where are you?’ They hid from God because they saw that they were naked. Their sin exposed their nakedness. I feel the lord is saying today that there are many of us still doing the same today - running from God because of how naked and inadequate we feel, because of what society is telling us or perhaps because of how inadequate or distant our earthly father might have been. Not so with our heavenly father my friend, God is still asking even today; where are you, where are you my friend? The bible also says come boldly to the throne of grace. When you feel inadequate, it is then you should run to God faster because he knows how to make it all better. So my friend position yourself always to be in close proximity to God as his true sons and daughters. There is a closeness that we can experience from the pure love of our father, so come boldly and do not hold back.

The next point in experiencing God’s love is don’t be afraid to ask boldly. Ask from a point of abundance knowing that your heavenly father owns the whole world. He’s got the whole world in his hands like a song we used to sing as kids would say. Don’t limit God to your small thinking. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think. So spend time to explore the word of God to know God’s nature and experience how big your father is. He says in his word, I am the lord is there anything too hard for me? He also says in the book of psalms, ‘ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession.’ Wow what a God! He is not intimidated by our wants. Imagine that if our earthly father knows how to give good gift to his children, how much more our heavenly father who loves us so much and gave us his only son. Again I want to remind you that even if you didn't have a good relationship with your earthly father, don’t feel disqualified from this love from a heavenly father. Our heavenly father is intentional in his love for us. He created us in his image and wants the best for us. He is a good Father.

And lastly, I want to encourage you to take responsibility in your heavenly father’s house. As a son or daughter who knows her father’s love for her, you know that what is his is yours and you are compelled to take care of what concerns him. You know it is your inheritance as well. It is the same way as we have a duty of care to our heavenly father. Take care of his people as Jesus said to Peter before leaving this earth. Let’s be salt and light to our world. Let’s be the extended hands and feet of Jesus. Let's take our space unapologetically and own our voice. Let’s not give in to the devil’s lies and intimidation in our minds, thinking we can’t make a difference. Our father loves us so much and has called us to be ambassadors here on earth, so don’t hold back my friend, be a responsible daughter in your father’s house, multiply what he has committed to your hands and be all that God has called you to be. Until next time my friend, it’s your host Sylvia Nwokolo reminding you to keep winning, shining and thriving because God loves you God bless.

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